Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Growing Your Mind Video Reflections

After watching the video, "Growing Your Mind", by Khan Academy, I was really impressed with the new research that discusses how the brain is classified as a muscle. As an athlete, I worked hard all of my life to be strong. I did this by running, exercising and lifting weights in order to build muscle, strength & flexibility that I would need for athletics. I worked on our daily farm milking cows and bailing hay. I have witnessed first hand how my muscle strength has increased and improved through the use of various types of exercises. So, it was enlightening to know that I can do this with my brain as well. 

In the past when things get too difficult, I usually just gave up. However, when I think back to my athletic days, when things got difficult in sports, I buckled down and learned the skill or the play until I got it. Despite its difficulty, sure will power got me through until I was accomplished. I realize now, when looking back, that it might have been a good idea to apply the same attitude to math. However, at the time, no one ever told me that if I worked hard when I struggled, learning would improve. I think this was never discussed at the time because the development of the brain was not studied as it is today. Through the study of the brain, they are realizing that you can get smarter by struggling with difficult challenges.

Now I realize I need to do the same thing with my brain. For example, I have always hated math because it was hard to understand and I could not do the work. I could understand the theory, but when I tried to apply the theory to practice, I failed all of the time. Today, I have taken many courses that teach me how to do math step by step. Since I am a visually learner, I realize now that I have to do the step-by-step process until I understand the problem. Once I understand the problem, I am able to do other problems that are similar. I find that the more I use these types of tools, the easier the process of learning gets. 

Am I still afraid of math today? Yes, but I am much more willing to sit and work through a problem until I get it because I know that is what I have to do to improve my learning.